January in Electric Skateboarding:
- Acton Qu4tro begins delivery:
- Meepo KT announced, Meepo 1.51 update:
- Boosted Board begins delivery of extended battery:
- One wheel XR released (double the range, slightly more power, 2 hour charge time):
- Scandal: Esk8r found to be scamming both companies and fellow skaters:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricSkateboarding/comments/7ryawp/esk8r_the_youtuber_that_scams_companies/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricSkateboarding/comments/7smpv1/esk8r_went_from_scamming_companies_to_group/
- Leads to the creation of a new Electric Skateboard Facebook group for those who don’t want to use Electric Skateboard Club
- StarkBoard begins delivery:
Eagerly waiting for extended battery pack
Keep us updated!